miércoles, 11 de febrero de 2009

Grammar test

1. Write 2 negative sentences using, one Simple Present Progressive and the other Simple Present with the verb DANCE(both).
SPP: She is dancing with the boy she is in love with.
SP: She dances all night long with her dad.

2. Write some actions in Simple past with any verb.
She jumped the rope.
He saw a dog.
They played football

3.What does Adjetives modify?and a short sentence
a noun,

4.What does Adverbs modify?and a short sentece
a verb,

Things _____ hopefully be better next year
We are ________ recruit more staff.

6.Form a tag question with: the extition of a Shampoo.

7. 2 prepositions

8.An adjective clause is used to describe a noun:
now write one by yourself.

9. relative pronoun ,explain each one of them.
WHO:humans in subject position
WHOM:humans in object position
WICH:things and animals in subject or object position::
THAT:humans, animals and things, in subject or object position

10. a pronoun that would describe a girl.