jueves, 18 de septiembre de 2008

1-What is fiction?
is writing what comes form the writer's imagination .It can be inspired by actual events or completely made up.
Wich are the key forms of fiction?
short story that contains the single idea and that is short to be read quickly,and the novel wich contains por complicated plot and longer work.
What is the plot and in wich consist?
the sequence of events ,the plot is the writer's plan for what happens. Exposition,Rising action,Climax and Falling action.
What is characters and wich is the most important?
is the peolpe ,animals ,or the creatures that take a part in the story ,the main character.

What is setting?
is the time and the place in wich the actions of the story happens.
What is the theme,and how are you gonna know wich is the principal?
is the meaning ,moral ,or message about life and you know about what the story left you

2- The only thing about fiction that i know is that is not something real,and that is based in something fancy. the keys forms of fiction is how the fiction is divided in the parts . the plot consists in the character ,the setting ,the climax etc.. and is the main thing of the story. the character are the people that makes tha story the dialogues ,the most important is what has the problem or what is based on him,her. the setting is were the story happend or were most of the story was in . the theme is what the stroy is talking about.

jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2008

A.- Summarize the events. (Write the plot in a cause effect sequence)
It was a girl named Squeaky that had a brother with disable problems, she needed to take care of him, everybody laughed about him,Squeaky had an ability she runs very fast run.
She entered to the compite because she was very fast,there she had a rival named Gretchen but knew that she was better than her so she didnt have problem.
When she was in the race she looked to the left and she had Gretchen and then she lookd to the right and she had her brother,she didnt say anything because she saw him very happy.
She won the race and she decided to entrain her borther so thst he can win the next race.

B.- Explain the conflict and the attitute toward disabled people presented in the story.
In the story i saw that many people make fun of disabled people and some times that you say it can happend to everyone and i'll dont make fun of the person when you see a disable people you cannot even realizad that you make a bad face to him o her or that you are laughing about him.
and that's the attitude that i saw in the story, and that you have to be nice to everybody even though that person doesn't make you happy(fake it until you make it).

C.- Write comments in your peers`BLOGS!

miércoles, 3 de septiembre de 2008


BLOG activities: A.- Describe the characters and each of their motivations
(The reason he or she thinks, acts or reacts in a certain way)
Place special attention to the reactions on pages 26-28.
they (the boy,and the girl) did the opposite they felt the same but when they wanted to met each other both turned but the boy and the girl we in love

B.-Write predictions you thought of, while reading the story and explain which one became true. Make connections to your own life.
I thought that the boy and the girl where going to met each other and like they say there were going to have chemistry between each other, and that their lives were going to be normal both of them in different school. but that something was going to happen, i didnt know what but i knew that something was there. that was the thing that became true.

C.- Write a synthesis of the story in your BLOG.

The story is about a girl that lived in a city but about her parents problems she needed to move to Cincinnati.She didnt express anything she was very close but at the beginning she was very because she didnt know anybody.She loved to go to the supermarket and something happened,she got in love with a bag boy.the problem was that both were very shy so it was very difficult to see each other and they could be beside her or him and they wouldnt talk.

Add pictures to help visualize your understanding of the story.

Add comments to your peers` BLOGS